Facial Reflexology
This unique holistic therapy combines traditional healing methods from the Orient and South America with the modern science of Neurology using body maps, energy meridians of the body, acupressure and benefits of acupuncture without the needles.
Due to the proximity to the brain, Facial Reflexology enjoys an efficient and quick access to the central nervous system to address imbalances and contributes to a glowing complexion.
This therapy is suitable for all age groups and with virtually no contraindications. It is very effective in balancing the body, de-stressing the mind and bringing emotional balance. A deeply therapeutic 60 minutes session releases tension and fatigue not only to the facial muscles but permeates to the entire body. A course of regular treatments becomes an integral part of self-care for most.
It helps address and support the healing of many everyday complaints, chronic and acute conditions, to name a few but not limited to :
- Anxiety and stress
- Migraines
- Hormonal imbalances
- Digestive complaints
- Insomnia
- Fertility issues
- Blood circulation
60 minutes session 525AED
5 session package. 2,500AED (validity 2 months from date of purchase)
10 session package 4,725AED (validity 3 months from date of purchase)
Foot Reflexology
Vandana likens Reflexology as ‘An Internal Massage of the Body’.
Reflexology is based on the principle that the entire body including its organs and glands are represented on the soles of the feet and hands. We can say we have a mini-body on our body which when stimulated kicks in our self-healing ability.
Therefore, Reflexology is a complementary therapy that helps tap into the natural tendency of the body to reach a state of homeostasis or normalcy. It is suitable for all age groups with very limited contraindications.
Reflexology is non-invasive and de-stressing, stress being one of the main causes of disease. With 72,000 nerve endings on our feet, stimulating the reflex areas improves blood and nerve supply to the corresponding part of the body that is under stress.
The specialized techniques used in Reflexology help restore the flow of Qi or life force energy throughout the body and that is what differentiates it from a regular foot massage.
Reflexology in its unique way helps alleviate various imbalances in the body and mind and manage/heal chronic issues such as but not limited to :
- Muscular tension in the neck
- Shoulder, Back, Sciatica
- Headaches, Sinus congestion
- Digestive complaints
- Compromised immunity
- Reduced blood and lymph circulation
- Hormonal imbalance
60 minutes Foot Reflexology 525AED
5 session Package 2,500AED (validity 2 months from date of purchase)
10 session package 4,725AED (validity 3 months from date of purchase)
Hand Reflexology
Hand reflexology is a massage technique that puts pressure on various reflex points around your hands. The belief is that these points correlate to different body parts and that massaging the points can help to relieve symptoms in other areas of the body.
Hand Reflexology can help with anxiety, constipation and headaches.
30 minute hand reflexology: 265AED
Personalised Self-Help Reflexology
“Your mind, emotions and body are instruments and the way you align and tune them determines how well you play life”
~ The late Yogi Harbhajan Singh Khalsa.
Our body and mind adapts and responds to the benefits of holistic therapies when practiced with consistent effort.
Vandana carries out this individualised session using a combination of Foot, Hand and Facial Reflexology to identify the core of the imbalance experienced, and create a personalized self-help treatment plan that the receiver can practice easily.
90 minutes 680AED
Pre-Labour Preparation Reflexology
It is commonly accepted that baby comes when baby is ready.
Receiving Pre-natal Reflexology a few days prior to the date or when over-due, is very helpful in preparing and creating the right environment in the mother’s body for delivery.
Focus is on helping stimulate hormones needed for labour, stimulating and opening the pelvic area for easy delivery and helps to keep mother and baby calm.
While the effect is best when the mother’s body is already adapted to reflexology through the pregnancy it is also beneficial for women who have not received any reflexology through their pregnancy.
Sometimes more than one session is required.
45 minutes 400AED
Prenatal Reflexology
Reflexology is based on the principle that the entire body including its organs and glands are represented on the soles of the feet and hands. We can say we have a mini-body on our body which when stimulated kicks in our self-healing ability.
A 70 minutes session combining the benefits of Foot and Facial Reflexology encourages a healthy and relaxed pregnancy and keeps the baby calm.
The sessions are adjusted according to the trimester aiming to ease pregnancy related complaints and working towards de-stressing and keeping mum relaxed and balanced.
Pre-natal Reflexology commonly addresses but is not limited to these areas-
1st Trimester
Nausea, morning sickness, fatigue & mood swings caused due to hormonal changes, insomnia, adjusting to new physical changes in the body and mind and more.
2nd and 3rd Trimester
Hormonal balance, Back pain, Sciatic nerve pain, symphysis pubis discomfort, improved circulation, specialized lymphatic massage to help with water retention, digestive imbalances, hemorrhoids, insomnia, stress and more.
70 minutes 580AED
5 session package 2.755AED
10 session package 5,220AED
Postnatal Reflexology
Acknowledging that your body has just accomplished a miracle of growing another human being within yourself much of your focus and energy in the days that follow will be on the baby. But remember that you need to nurture yourself just as much to feel balanced and whole.
Reflexology is a complementary therapy that helps tap into the body’s self-healing ability or the natural tendency of the body to reach a state of homeostasis or normalcy.
This 70 minutes session combines the benefits of Foot and Facial Reflexology and helps you in various ways, for example –
Hormonal balance, Provide support for the Uterus, Digestive balance, Hemorrhoids, Improving milk supply, Breast health, Water retention, Lymphatic massage on the feet and hands, Fatigue, Stress, Muscular tension and much more.
Vandana, also runs workshops on Self-help Baby Reflexology
70 minutes 580AED
5 session package 2.755AED
10 session package 5,220AED

Personalised Self-Help Reflexology – 90 min

Pre-Labour Preparation with Reflexology

Facial Reflexology – Single Session

Facial Reflexology – 10 Sessions

Foot and Face Reflexology – Single Session

Foot Reflexology – Single Session

Foot Reflexology – 5 Sessions

Foot Reflexology – 10 Sessions

Hand Reflexology

Natural Face lift massage – Single Session

Pre and Postnatal Reflexology – 10 Sessions

Pre and Postnatal Reflexology – 5 Sessions