Wellness Wisdom with Dr Suresh Vassen: Brain Drain Breakthrough: Your skull has hidden plumbing that could be a game-changer for brain health!
Brain Drain Breakthrough: Your skull has hidden plumbing that could be a game-changer for brain health!
Science just uncovered a hidden network inside your head. These aren’t water pipes, but lymphatic vessels otherwise known as your Glymphatic System – a drainage system connecting your brain directly to your immune system.
This discovery rewrites the rules on brain health.
Why it matters: Clogged “brain drains” might be linked to nervous system issues. Think clogged sink – things back up, causing problems.
Studies have found that glymphatics are like hidden caves that open during sleep, and, much like the rest of the lymphatic system, drain toxic waste and proteins out of the brain, and copious amounts of neurotoxins drain during natural sleep cycles.
The most well-known neurotoxin, beta-amyloid, found in Alzheimer’s disease, is drained through these glymphatics. The problem is that studies show that the less you sleep, the less the glymphatics can work and the more beta-amyloid accumulates in the brain.
The catch-22 is that the more beta-amyloid accumulates in the brain, the worse you sleep and the worse your memory can become. Studies suggest that accumulation of amyloid plaque and sleep are bidirectional where the worse you sleep the more plaque accumulates and the more plaque you have the worse your sleep. Beta-amyloid plaque has been indicated in numerous cognitive and memory concerns.
The good news? You can help your brain drain!
Sleep is key: Studies show sleep supercharges these “brain pipes,” flushing out toxins. Prioritise rest for a brain detox!
Move your body: Yoga and breathing exercises get your lymph flowing freely, like an internal spring cleaning!
Hydrate & eat smart: Water and seasonal foods keep your whole system healthy, including your brain’s drainage.
Explore natural allies: Certain herbs might help. Talk to a doctor to see if they’re right for you.
The takeaway: Taking care of your lymphatic system could be a game-changer for brain health. What are you doing to help your brain drain properly?
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